Access support without set times, as much as you like, and whenever you like – on your computer or through your phone.
Messaging is an easy, fast and convenient way to communicate with your counsellor in real time. Send a message, have a quick chat or engage in a more in-depth conversation. Whatever works better for you.
You can share thoughts, progress and achievements at any time, gain quick advice or have in depth sessions. You can also easily share photos, videos, screenshots, documents, links and data from other applications, which can all help the process.
Email can be better for longer, more in depth reflections but the ease, speed and flexibility provides a powerful medium for therapy – truly support in your pocket.

You’re totally in control – you can edit and revise and nothing is shared until you press ‘send’. You can stay anonymous if you wish, save drafts, attach documents, send links and media, all in your own time.
Our text/e-mail service costs just £5 a week, there is no minimum sign up period, no obligation to continue and the contact you can have with your counsellor is truly unlimited. You will keep the same UK Based, qualified and experienced counsellor who can really get to understand the issues you are dealing with and help you work through any difficulties.
Counselling doesn’t have to be expensive and it doesn’t have to be limited.
All of this is covered by our first week money back guarantee…If at the end of your first week you haven’t found the service to be helpful then we will refund your £5, in full, with no questions asked.
What have you got to lose, sign up today and find out how easy and rewarding counselling can be.